Massage Therapy
For centuries, massage therapy has been used to ease muscular tension, decrease pain, and promote relaxation. In the past 50 years, Massage has now developed into a regulated health profession in British Columbia.
Massage therapists are trained in the treatment and rehabilitation of many common injuries and conditions such as repetitive strain and tendinopathies, TMJ dysfunction, sprains(ligament tears), strains, back injuries, frozen shoulder, whiplash, and tension headaches, among many other conditions. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other systemic conditions, in addition to nerve entrapment such as carpal tunnel, sciatic pain, and thoracic outlet syndrome are conditions massage therapy may help to alleviate pain and dysfunction. Massage therapy is also a great way prevent injuries at work, in sports, and in everyday activities. Together, we can work together in creating a pain-free state that assists you in living your life.